In today’s post I have for you some amazing financial planning quotes that you will do well to pay heed to. These are drawn from the some of the best minds in finance.
We all need some level of financial planning to make it in this world. Only gamblers do not plan, and you are not a gambler. You need to know what you want to achieve financially and work towards reaching those goals.
There is power in having a mental picture of what you want to accomplish in life and then working to make sure that those goals are brought into fruition.
Table of Contents
Financial Planning Quotes
“To achieve what 1% of the world’s population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do. Hard work and perseverance of highest order.” ― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom
“Remember, buying something is not the problem. The problem comes when we believe, for that moment, that the object we’re buying is going to make us happy.” ― Celso Cukierkorn, Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!
“Focusing only on the short term puts us in a position to make bad choices. We ignore all other factors that lead to the overall value of the loan in order to achieve that one singular goal now—whether the goal is a lower payment, a lower interest rate, or a dream home. In the long term, this always proves to be costly.” ― Dale Vermillion.
“Failure to plan your finances is the doorway to mediocre living.” ― Sujit Lalwani.
“The older I get the more scared I am about my financial situation, unfortunately, I can’t afford to retire right now as I’m worried about my income. I feel bad about my current job, work, and business as it doesn’t do what it was intended and I wish I made different decisions that would lead me somewhere else not where I am now. Frankly speaking my past is characterized by lots of financial ignorance that I am ashamed of, I never had a financial coach or mentor to help me get out of this situation and I feel like it’s too late to change my direction.m—The Apathy of Financial Ignorance” ― Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“Patience pays tons better than urge to get quick profit with same amount of investment.” ― Ankit Samrat.
“I believe that the biggest mistake that most people make when it comes to their retirement is they do not plan for it. They take the same route as Alice in the story from “Alice in Wonderland,” in which the cat tells Alice that surely she will get somewhere as long as she walks long enough. It may not be exactly where you wanted to get to, but you certainly get somewhere.” ― Mark Singer.
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“If your goal is to become financially secure, you’ll likely attain it… But if your motive is to make money to spend money on the good life… you’re never gonna make it.” – Thomas J. Stanley
“Nineteen years ago, I saw two commercial airliners crash into the Twin Towers in New York City. What followed afterwards was complete panic — the stock market closed for five days and the sell-off afterwards felt like it would never end. That was how my financial adviser career began and, back then, I believed it would be my shortest employment ever. I’m glad my hunch was wrong because the markets more than recovered. Most importantly, our country recovered. And our country will recover from this, too.” – Jeff Rose.
“Of course, no one likes to log into their accounts and see red but remember, it’s not about trying to time the market, rather the time in the market. The best way to participate in the market recovery is to stay invested, so don’t neglect your ongoing contributions. If you can maintain some level of 401(k) contributions or investment savings, you can invest at the dips. When the equity markets do recover, you will emerge with more shares.” -Marguerita Cheng, CFP and CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth
Thoughtful financial planning can easily take a backseat to daily life.” -Suze Orman.
“I know, when I look into the eyes of my own children, the look of wonder when I speak of life back in the ’60s. That’s why the Rolling Stones are such a hit even in their 60s, why Dennis Hopper is so compelling, even when he’s making pitches for something unhip as long-term financial planning.” – Chris Matthews.
“The Senate has sent President Obama a spending bill that gives the government enough money to keep going for two weeks. Our Congress has the financial planning skills of a college sophomore.” – Conan O’Brien
“Financial planning is like navigation. If you know where you are and where you want to go, navigation isn’t such a great problem. It’s when you don’t know the two points that it’s difficult.” – Venita VanCaspel.
“Don’t take financial advice from broke people —- Do what rich people are doing.” – Santanu Saw
“Some take pains to be biblical, but many [Christian financial teachers, writers, investment counselors, and seminar leaders] simply parrot their secular colleagues. Other than beginning and ending with prayer, mentioning Christ, and sprinkling in some Bible verses, there’s no fundamental difference. They reinforce people’s materialist attitudes and lifestyles. They suggest a variety of profitable plans in which people can spend or stockpile the bulk of their resources. In short, to borrow a term from Jesus, some Christian financial experts are helping people to be the most successful ‘rich fools’ they can be.” -Randy Alcorn
“Rich old people are more attractive than poor old people, so by all means, try to get rich before age sets in. Otherwise, you’ll just be playing catch-up for the rest of your life and that will just wear you out, let me tell you.” -Jill Conner Browne.
“The old Wall Street adage “never invest in anything that eats or needs repairs” may apply to racehorses, but it’s malarkey when it comes to houses.” – Peter Lynch.
“A financial plan is a way to take all of the money advice you come across and figure out how it applies to your specific financial situation.” Alexa Von Tobel.
“I suspect if people live a lot longer they would be retired for a somewhat longer period of time. Just the financial planning takes on a very different character.” Peter Thiel.
“Yes, your kids should go to school. No, you shouldn’t bankroll their degree whatever the cost. You’ve spent your life creating a sound financial plan; don’t upend it by suspending your retirement savings or taking out a home equity line of credit to pay for a pricey college” – Suze Orman.
“Please allow me to offer a simple financial plan. Invest in chocolate. Buy bars. Lots of bars. If we do enter anything approximating a real financial depression, you will not be able to improve your mood with gold.” – Anita Renfroe.
“I am a financial planner, not a psychiatrist, but I do know that your net worth will rise to meet your self-worth only if your self-worth rises to accept what can be yours.” – Suze Orman.
“Among other objectives, liquidity guidelines must take into account the risks that inadequate liquidity planning by major financial firms pose for the broader financial system, and they must ensure that these firms do not become excessively reliant on liquidity support from the central bank.” – Ben Bernanke.
“Since 1994, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have considered it politically risky to offer a plan to fix America’s broken health care system. The American public, though, has paid the price for this silence as health care costs skyrocketed, millions went uninsured, and millions more grappled with financial insecurity and hardship.” – Ron Wyden.
“Even the securest financial plan and the finest health coverage aren’t enough to hold us steady when the challenges come… We need something more, something deeper and unshakeable, something that will see us through life’s hard times.” Billy Graham.
“Nobody can predict interest rates, the future direction of the economy or the stock market. Dismiss all such forecasts and concentrate on what’s actually happening to the companies in which you’ve invested.” – Peter Lynch.
“I think you have to learn that there’s a company behind every stock, and that there’s only one real reason why stocks go up. Companies go from doing poorly to doing well or small companies grow to large companies.” – Peter Lynch.
”Start by doing what is necessary; then what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi.
”Our biggest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to succeed is to always try once more.” – Thomas Edison.
”It is only through labor and painstaking effort, with serious energy and steadfast courage; We move towards better things. “- Theodore Roosevelt.
”You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog barking.” – Winston Churchill