14 Things To Do On A Sunday That Are Productive

Most people struggle to find the things to do on a Sunday which should not be the case at all. With a bit of imagination, one can find so many things he can do on this day.

In this post, I will go through some suggestions so that in future you won’t have to deal with this question again (just kidding). In this post, I will focus on what I do on a Sunday and in my case, it is a day I try to find something productive.

While most people spend their Sundays by doing household chores I choose to do things like internet marketing. These are things that I struggle to do during the week as I am exhausted after coming from work.

If you are looking for some fun things and other things I urge you to visit what to do when you are bored.

Things to Do on a sunday

What I Do On A Sunday And Things To Do On A Sunday For you

Below are some of the things I do on a Sunday. These Sunday plans arranged in no particular order.

1. Learn A New Skill Or Language

One of the things I like doing on Sundays is learning a new skill or language. I usually focus on skills that will increase my marketability and sometimes just for fun.

Even though I am yet to master just a language, I have managed over the years to learn a few languages such as Portuguese, Spanish, etc.

I have managed to cover almost all the grammar bits of these languages. Hopefully one day I will focus my energies on one of them and fight for fluency.

I use Babbel for my language lessons. Their app looks very slick and attractive to me and the subject matter is fantastic too.

If you are interested in learning a new skill I would suggest the following courses.

Fundamentals of DSLR Photography: If you want to take photos like a pro then this course is for you. DSLR cameras are the in thing nowadays but you need some training to use them properly.

Excel for the Real World: Gain the Basic Skills of Microsoft Excel: Whether you are an Accountant or not, you may still need to process some data in MS Excel. In this course, you will gain the basic skills you need to use Microsoft Excel

Spanish for Beginners. The complete Method. Level 1: Knowing at least one international language such as Spanish will open new doors for you careerwise. In countries such as America, there are literally millions who consider Spanish to be their mother tongue. Outside American boarders, most of South America is a Spanish language area. You can, therefore, use this knowledge to communicate with people who know Spanish in your area but also to find jobs that require Spanish.

2. Do Some Blogging

Did you know that for less than $4 a month you can start your WordPress blog on Bluehost today?

There are so many reasons why people start blogging. Some start blogging as a personal diary. Others do it to share ideas and knowledge on a particular niche. Whatever reason you have to start blogging you can do it for less $4 a month on Bluehost.

I have been blogging for more than 20 years now and have never regretted it. I have through blogging reached millions of people through blogging and video sharing on Youtube.

Without the internet, I would not have reached those people. You too can do that and share your views with others.

I initially did not set out to make some money. I just wanted to share my views and others of like mind. I later discovered that I could make money while enjoying doing something I like.

I now know that it is possible to make a living blogging. You however need to put in the hours and post regularly for at least a year before you start seeing fruits of your labor.

You also need some training if you are to excel in this trade. Your goals can be achieved much faster if you get a mentor or someone who has been in the trenches to guide you.

You can get this mentorship from sites like the Income School. At Income School they have a timeline to guide you through the two years they have estimated it takes for a new blogger to be able to earn a full-time income.

I like the Income School because the owners are still building blogs and through these, you can see what is possible or not. If you see them succeeding right now with brand new blogs then you can follow their template to succeed.

I know of established bloggers who are teaching people things that might have worked a few years ago but not today. These are bloggers who are relying on past knowledge that may no longer help.

A good mentor should be someone who can succeed with a new blog now. If they can show consistent results of recently successfully starting a new blog from scratch and succeeding then you can trust them.

It is easy to maintain success for a blog that was started 10 years ago than to create one a year ago and be earning an equivalent of an average salary now.

The Income school meets that condition.

3. Go For A Walk

One of the things that I do almost every Sunday is to go for a walk with my daughter. Sometimes I go into the nearby forest for a nature walk. It is perhaps the most refreshing thing you can do.

Observing insects and admiring flowers and water flowing is a soothing experience for me. I come out of the forest feeling refreshed.

At other times I just walk about in our area for a mile just appreciating the houses here and the neighborhood. I can say now that I now know most places in our area by just doing that.

Sometimes people feel that they have to run, jog, or cycle to exercise. That is not exactly true. There are studies that have shown the benefits of even a 30-minute walk. If you can do that every day you will benefit health-wise.

Personally, I prefer walking as it allows me time to appreciate so many things that I can miss by cycling or jogging. Walking gives me time to reflect and meditate on whatever is going on in my life. This is while I am exercising my muscles and body.

What To Do On a Sunday - having a walk

4. Gardening

One of the passions that I have just developed is gardening. I never thought that I would love gardening until this year when I started a garden for the first time since I was a teen.

I now cannot imagine leaving without a garden. I have planted green vegetables, carrots, potatoes in our small piece of land behind our house.

There is something special about seeing your seeds germinate, and grow up to harvest. It is like watching a child grow.

You will be surprised how easy it is to grow crops like potatoes. I have grown most of my potatoes in grocery bags. You can learn how to do this on youtube.

I am told that before the second world war most people grew their own vegetables as vegetables were expensive then. But after the second world war, things changed as economies prospered.

5. Preparing For Monday

One thing you cannot afford to miss is to prepare for work the following day.

You do this by making sure that all your clothes are ready.

That you have money or a ticket for the bus or tram if you use public transport. If you have a car you make sure that everything is alright.

You don’t want to wake on Monday and discover that you have no cash or your car is not ready. All these preparations can be done on a Sunday.

In my case, I also do my grocery shopping on Sundays. That shopping includes preparing my lunch box as I bringing my own lunch to work.

6. Going to the Park With Your Family

things to do on a sunday

Another thing you can do on Sunday is to take your family to the park. Kids love playing in the park. They love playing see-saw, slides, playing ball, etc.

It is not good to keep your kids inside your housing playing computer games etc. They need to go out and get some fresh air and play.

It improves their language abilities as they chat with parents etc. This is not possible if all they do is watch Youtube videos or play games. That is not good for their mental wellbeing.

Besides playing you can also have a picnic at the park. Eating some snacks in a relaxed atmosphere at the park is simply wonderful.

More especially in summer when the sun is shining and it is warm. It is much better than eating at home.

7. Doing Laundry

Sunday is also a good day to do your laundry for the whole week. In that way, you don’t have to worry about laundry during the week when free time is at a premium.

You can do your laundry and also iron all the clothes you need for that week. If there is a need to mend some clothes you can do it on this day and not have to worry about it later in the week.

9. Visit Friends and Family

Another thing you can do once in a while is visiting friends and family. Man is a social being and needs company and affirmation from others.

You may think you don’t need friends and family but that is a terrible mistake.

It is only a matter of time before you discover that you can live a fulfilling life without friends and family. It is friends who can note things in life that may be derailing our future.

Most people of the stresses of life can be reduced by just sharing it with friends and family.

It is friends and family that can help you identify opportunities in life. They can link you up with other people for business even for work.

10. Sometimes You Just Need To Rest On Sunday

I don’t like just staying idle but sometimes it is just what some of us need. We need to rest from our labors sometimes.

I am here thinking of people who work from Monday to Saturday and are totally knackered on Sundays. In that case, I would encourage them to just stay idle and rest on Sundays.

We all need rest that is why I admire the biblical instruction to rest on Sabbath. We are like all machines that need to stop to avoid overheating.

If you work all the time without rest your health will be affected adversely in the long run. It is not worth it. We work to make money for a better future and not to spoil our health.

Things to do on sunday - rest

11. Clean The House

For most people, Sunday is also a good day for house cleaning. It is not an enjoyable experience but it has to be done.

All the dust that accumulates in the house during the week has to be gotten rid of. All the stuff that is lying on the floor has to be put back where it belongs.

As they say cleanliness is next to godliness.

12. Prepare Your Family Budget

If the month-end is approaching then a Sunday can be the best time to prepare your family budget.

If you are in doubt as to whether you need a budget or not then I have a post giving reasons on why you need a budget.

The good thing about doing your budget on weekends is that you do it without pressure as you have all the time in the world.

A budget is a tool that has been used since time immemorial to control spending and you can use it too. In that way, you will be able to save money for your future major expenses.

13. Play a Boardgame With Your Family

Another cool way to bond with your children and family is to play a board game with them. Any type of game will do. In my case, I play snakes and ladders, sort out puzzles, and all sorts of games.

It is a much better use of free time than passive watching of television. When you are watching television you rarely talk as attention is on the silver screen.

However, when you are playing a game there is communication both verbal and facial. I find that my child appreciates the times I play with her much more than most things.

The fact that I can stop watching television and spend time with her shows her that she is special.

14. Go out For A Meal

Going out for a meal is something that my daughter enjoys very much. So even though I am not a big fun I do it for her.

It is something that takes away the stresses of preparing your own meal at home. Though I would urge against doing this most of the time as food prepared at home is much better in most cases.

However, the fact that you are in close proximity to each is good for a family or any relationship. It is a time when all you are doing is chatting and eating.

And the chatting does not stop at the restaurant but continues while you are going back home.


I hope you have learned a lot from what I do on a Sunday. From this, you can pick the things to do on a Sunday for you and your family. We all can learn from each other and make our lives better on this beautiful planet called earth.

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